‘Aisyiyah adalah salah satu organisasi gerakan sosial keagamaan yang tumbuh dan berkembang dengan pesat di tengah-tengah masyarakat bangsa Indonesia. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan ‘Aisyiyah (STIKES ’Aisyiyah) Yogyakarta merupakan amal usaha dari Pimpinan Pusat ‘Aisyiyah yang telah berdiri sejak tahun 1963.
STIKES Aisyiyah Yogyakarta adalah salah satu institusi pendidikan yang mempunyai peranan besar pada perkembangan dunia pendidikan di Indonesia dengan menyelenggarakan program S2 Kebidanan, berdasarkan Surat Ijin Penyelenggaraan : Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI No 080/P/2014 tentang Ijin Penyelenggaraan Prodi Ilmu Kebidanan, Program Magister (S-2) pada STIKES ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta dari Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Kemendiknas RI, Program Studi Magister Kebidanan Program Pasca Sarjana STIKES Aisyiyah Yogyakarta dengan resmi dibuka
Blok International Professional Practice Project merupakan modul di blok 3 dengan tema blok innovation in midwifery care di Program Studi Ilmu Kebidanan Progam Magister STIKES ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta. Mempunyai beban total 2 SKS (4jamx14x2=112jam, perhari 8jam=112/8=14hari). Pelaksanaan residensi internasional selama 10 hari, 4 hari untuk presentasi 6 kelompok. Residensi internasional bersifat wajib bagi mahasiswa S2 Kebidanan.
Setelah menyelesaikan modul International Professional Practice Project mahasiswa diharapkan mampu mengembangkan pengetahuan dan wawasan keilmuan tentang kebidanan di tatanan global. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dari tanggal 15 sampai dengan 20 Maret 2015.
Date |
Time |
Activity |
Facilitators |
Note |
Sunday, March,15, 2015 |
Day 1 |
15.00 |
Touchdown to Taiwan and Going to Hotel |
Koni and Pia |
Monday, March, 16, 2015 |
Day 2 |
09.00-09.30 |
Opening |
Speech welcome from NTUNHS |
09.30-10.00 |
Group Picture |
Participants NTUNHS |
09.30-12.00 |
1.Taiwan Midwifery Association Discussion 2.Ministry of Health’s Policy regarding Midwifery, maternity and neonate practice in Taiwan Discussion 3.Midwifery services system in Taiwan, and how to measure the quality of midwifery care 4.Discussion |
Prof. Meei Ling Gau |
President of Taiwan Midwifery Association |
12.000-13.30 |
Dzuhur Prayer time, break and Lunch |
Koni and Pia |
13.30-15.30 |
1.Evidence based practice : position and movement during birth and labour 2. Early and delay pushing 3.Discussion |
Prof. Su Chen Kuo |
Research Methodology lecturer |
15.30-16.00 |
Group Picture in front of the NTUNHS’s icon |
16-18.00 |
Go back to hotel Summary |
18.00-21.00 |
Group 1&2 : Go to Shilin night market by MRT Dinner for independent |
Koni Pia |
Group 1 (11 orang) Group 2 (11 org) |
21.00 |
Go back to Hotel |
Participants |
Tuesday, March 17, 2015 |
Day 2 |
09.00-13.00 |
Management Information System in this clinic (SIM RS) How midwifery give midwives’ service to the patient How the implementation of Interpersonal Educative (IPE) betweenthe professionforthe treatment of patients Discussion |
Binggun’s Mother and child Care Clinic NTUNHS |
Have a good concept about home’ concept in the hospital |
13.0014.30 |
Lunch |
13.00-18.00 |
Midwifery services in this Clinic Discussion |
BEST Midwives Clinic |
Support the normal birth program in Taiwan |
Wednesday; March 18, 2015 |
Day 3 |
09.00-10: 00 |
9:00-10:00 introduction & lecture on midwifery performance test |
Dr. Yang |
OBSGYN (consultant) in Taiwan |
10:00-12:30 |
midwifery performance test by using OSCE (shoulder dystocia, breech birth, and NB resuscitation ) |
Dr. Yang |
12:30-13:30 |
Prayer time, Lunch and break |
Koni and Pia |
13:30-15:30 |
1.Birth ball technique during labour 2.Discussion |
Prof. Meei Ling Gau |
15:30~17:30 |
1.Prenatal and Gentle birth class in Taiwan 2.Prenatal class practices in NTUNHS Clinic |
Prof. ChehHuei Kao |
17:30-18.00 |
Closing ceremony Thanks giving (penyerahancinderamata) |
NTUNHS Speech Thank You from STIKES ‘Aisyiyah |
18.00-21.00 |
Ashar prayer time Making resume and free time |
Participants |
18.00-21.00 |
Group 3&4 : Shilin Night market Dinner by theirselves |
Koni Pia |
Group 3 (11 org) Group 4 (10 orang) |
Thursday; Marc 19, 2015 |
Day 4 |
10.00-13.00 |
Hotel-Tamsui River |
Koni, Pia |
14.00-17.00 |
Taipei 101 |
17:00 |
Go back to Hotel |
Friday; March 20, 2015 |
Day 5 |
Before 12.00 pm |
Back to Indonesia |